For All Ages
- The Atheq System is for everyone, people of all ages and of all levels of athletic ability.
- The foundational principles and concepts utilized throughout Atheq can be utilized for improving posture, eliminating pain, and stabilizing the body to prevent injury and improve function.
- The Atheq System also has incredible benefits for both the aspiring and professional athlete.
- Through Neuromuscular Resequencing (NMR) and activation, anyone can learn methods, techniques, and specific programming to improve their physical wellness, and ability.
- Through NMR we can work on regulating the central nervous system to improve states of trauma and the overactive fight/flight state. Neuro divergent clients have had tremendous results using this system to improve their overall health and wellbeing.
- Atheq does not replace the need for medical professionals, either in the domain of physical therapy/chiropractic/or mental health. Atheq seeks to work hand in hand with medical professionals to provide the best possible health outcomes for all.