The Right Connection: A Breakthrough in Brain/Body Communication
I recently wrapped up a session with a new client that came to me with a history of extensive back and hip pain. Throughout our hour together they were able to successfully...
Flipping the Switch: Shutting Down the Fight/Flight Response
People all over the world struggle with the inability to regulate their nervous systems without ever realizing the true problem. We often find ourselves in various states of...
Unraveling Trauma: Finding Peace From Within
I suppose it’s best to start with an introduction! My name is Megan, and I have the pleasure of joining the Vannelli family soon. Anton is my fiancé now, but this story starts...
The Case for Central Nervous System Reprogramming
For many people, working on addressing muscular imbalances and sequencing issues with the activation of specific muscles through my programming can solve a majority of their...
The Save State: How the Brain Reboots Physiological Patterns of Pain/Tension
Every week or so I will be witness to phenomenon in sessions with my clients that defies everything that I have learned, in regards to how the body should function. It is times...
Finding Your Alignment
There are a myriad of movement systems and programs that are available on the market. A great deal of emphasis is put on moving “gracefully”, or “effortlessly”. These movement...
Back Pain: Can The Atheq System Work For Me?
Does your back get sore? Do you have twinges or sharp pains in your back when lifting/moving? Do you have chronic back pain? I was discussing some of the clear cut warning signs...
The Phenomenon of Remapping
As I have been working with clients over the past few years, I have noticed that when clients have dysfunction, it is usually on one side of their body. I have pondered and...
Why It Doesn’t Work
I had a gentleman come into my office last week who had heard about my program. He was of middle age, and had been suffering from low back and neck issues for many years. No one...
Managing Expectations
I am often asked a question that has a very complex answer. I am asked by clients and prospective clients as to how long they can expect my methodology/programming to take in...